Over the last 15 years, I have navigated the challenging waters being a high-achieving business woman  and single mother of three. I have served as general counsel of many companies.  I currently serve as Chief legal officer and data protection officer for Workhuman, a company leading the employee appreciation revolution.

Showing up with authenticity and owning everything that I am as a female leader, was the key to my success.

and you can do it too.

Strategic Leader.

Forbes Contributor.


It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top. You have found an ally in me. Let’s create something together. It is time to elevate!

but it’s time to




We won’t see a more feminine approach represented in leadership until we as women dare to take inspired action. We must put real, tangible, action plans into place and make good decisions timely. We are not just dreamers, we are over-comers. The time is now!

It’s time to step into our true power, refuse to play small, and

Super Power

Having it all,

owning it all

lauren zajac

The lawyer

Lauren Zajac is a lawyer and the Chief Legal Officer at Workhuman, a business whose mission is to help companies create corporate cultures driven by gratitude. Lauren manages all of Workhuman’s legal needs and participates as a member of its executive team. Lauren serves as board chair for Leadermom and is on the board of The Soul Project.  Before joining Workhuman in 2009, Lauren served as general counsel for a broad mix of high-growth technology companies and ran her own legal practice helping small businesses and start-ups. 

“Women must understand that their authenticity is their key to success. Our unique gift as women is our ability to empathize, be highly expressive, and create bonds. The ability to foster trust, empathy, community, and full expression is the foundational to a highly functioning team. But we can’t shy away from the part of our personality that is able to take inspired action and make things happen.”

Book me to speak at your next event.

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2 years ago

Lauren Zajac

Realistically we’re all going to make wrong decisions from time to time. This can pave the way to making the right decision if we let it.

For this to transpire, we must be open and humble enough to accept our downfalls in order to learn from our mistakes and ultimately grow. What mistakes have you made that you could look at differently and grow from?
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Realistically we’re all going to make wrong decisions from time to time. This can pave the way to making the right decision if we let it. 

For this to transpire, we must be open and humble enough to accept our downfalls in order to learn from our mistakes and ultimately grow. What mistakes have you made that you could look at differently and grow from?

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It happens 🤷‍♂️

2 years ago

Lauren Zajac

Take step-by-step action towards changing the things you cannot accept.

Write a checklist of what needs to happen, prioritizing the order of each “to do.” Bridge the overwhelming gap of how long this checklist may be by focusing on one step at a time.

Taking action is the key to igniting change.
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Take step-by-step action towards changing the things you cannot accept. 

Write a checklist of what needs to happen, prioritizing the order of each “to do.” Bridge the overwhelming gap of how long this checklist may be by focusing on one step at a time.

Taking action is the key to igniting change.

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2 years ago

Lauren Zajac

What you want is on the other side of every obstacle and boundary you face.

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. But they’re not. Expect a fight. Battle it out “until.”
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What you want is on the other side of every obstacle and boundary you face. 

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. But they’re not. Expect a fight. Battle it out “until.”

2 years ago

Lauren Zajac

As early as the 1970’s we have lived in the information age. The birth of the internet rapidly increased our access to the information within seconds. Learning couldn’t be any closer to our fingertips, with the answers to our “how to’s” only a click away.

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.
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As early as the 1970’s we have lived in the information age. The birth of the internet rapidly increased our access to the information within seconds. Learning couldn’t be any closer to our fingertips, with the answers to our “how to’s” only a click away.

 If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

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Perfectly said!

Well said, ❤️

You got dat right amen


Absolutely 🤩🤩🤩




Well books are way better than internet and clicking..

Well said

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2 years ago

Lauren Zajac

As women, we need to stop systematically underestimating our own abilities.

Reach for better projects and promotions. Negotiate salaries. This allows for more leadership opportunities to present themselves, resulting in a future where there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders. Amen to this pivotal moment in our future!
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As women, we need to stop systematically underestimating our own abilities.

Reach for better projects and promotions. Negotiate salaries. This allows for more leadership opportunities to present themselves, resulting in a future where there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders. Amen to this pivotal moment in our future!

2 years ago

Lauren Zajac

Be willing to weather every storm thrown upon you. This will build strength and resilience in a world where women still need to fight a little bit harder to be included, seen, and heard.

Strong women aren’t born… They are made by storms they walk through.
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Be willing to weather every storm thrown upon you. This will build strength and resilience in a world where women still need to fight a little bit harder to be included, seen, and heard. 

Strong women aren’t born… They are made by storms they walk through.

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You better believe it









So true.!

Yes 🙌 We Are 💪🙌😇♥️💎🌹🌺

Amen and amen

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2 years ago

Lauren Zajac

Historically, there are countless women who have fought for women’s rights and equality. We are eternally grateful for the battles they won for themselves and future generations resulting in the freedom we have today. Still, many women and young girls are told they can’t and feel limited.

As a female, don’t let yourself or anyone else tell you that you can’t, as there is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.
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Historically, there are countless women who have fought for women’s rights and equality. We are eternally grateful for the battles they won for themselves and future generations resulting in the freedom we have today. Still, many women and young girls are told they can’t and feel limited. 

As a female, don’t let yourself or anyone else tell you that you can’t, as there is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.

2 years ago

Lauren Zajac

They say that knowledge is power. I say that knowledge followed by action is power.

The world is full of people with good ideas. What the world isn’t full of is people who actually implement their ideas. Embrace every opportunity to increase your knowledge. Then… take the appropriate action.
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They say that knowledge is power. I say that knowledge followed by action is power. 

The world is full of people with good ideas. What the world isn’t full of is people who actually implement their ideas. Embrace every opportunity to increase your knowledge. Then… take the appropriate action.

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HALLELUJAH,AMEN. Thanks be to God, our most Sacred and HOLY.❤❤❤






YES ♥️🦋♥️

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